Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Launch of SmileTalk

Howard County Family Dentistry and Dr. Fenlon are please to announce the launch of SmileTalk, our quarterly newsletter! This is the first edition of many that will allow our office to stay in touch with you regarding recent health news, new happenings in our office, and other fun stuff. Unlike other health newsletters, we want SmileTalk to be informative yet fun for our patients.

Things to expect from SmileTalk:
· Regular updates concerning our office, staff and operation
· Pertinent information regarding the dental health of your family
· Recent updates on personal wellness
· A good joke or two
· And maybe a secret family recipe!

Please feel free to contact our office at (410) 442-2800 or visit our website at Thanks, and we hope you enjoy!

Smiles For Life

Dr. Fenlon and Howard County Family Dentistry are proud to announce that we have teamed up with the Smiles for Life Foundation for the third year. Howard County Family Dentistry and Dr. Fenlon will donate our time to provide a superior professional teeth whitening service at a 50% discounted rate this and every March through June. This allows you to donate your entire $200 fee directly to the Smiles for life Foundation. Through Smiles for Life, Howard County Family dentistry is able to designate 50% of your contribution directly to Ellicott City MD’s Linwood Center, Inc a school for children with autism. The other 50% goes to the Garth Brooks Teammates for kid’s foundation which has successfully raised 74 million dollars over the last ten years, 100% of which has gone directly to the children. This has allowed our patients the opportunity to “Brighten your smile and help a child smile for life.”

For more information on how to “Send a Friend” this information please visit!

Healthy Alternatives this Easter

With Easter fast approaching it will not be long until our children are waking up to those brightly-colored baskets filled with goodies. We all know the risks to our teeth when we consume sugary treats.

Dr. Fenlon wants to give the Easter Bunny some ideas on ways to supplement the usual candy treats with other healthy items. Here is a list of Dr. Fenlon approved healthy alternatives to Easter candy:

Art supplies, markers, crayons, paints
Hair Clips & Brushes
Easter-based books or movies
Mini board games & jump ropes
Family video games
Easter-based books or movies
Bubbles & chalk
Journals & pens
Fun tooth brushes & tooth paste
Jewelry & nail polish
Movie tickets
I-Tunes gift cards

Also, here are some helpful tips to remember after watching your children enjoy their Easter goodies:

1. Monitor that your children are brushing three times a day.
2. You could have your children use an age-appropriate fluoridated mouthwash.
3. Have extra disposable dental flossers around. You’d be amazed at what kids do when they’re bored.
4. Avoid or limit candy such as caramels, jelly beans, and taffy. These particular candies are extra sticky, making it hard for saliva to wash away the sugar.

Give your kids sugar-free gum or candy with XYLITOL to chew. Not only does sugar-free gum help prevent cavities; it also helps neutralize the effects of sugar from the candy. Therefore, it combats the bacteria in plaque that causes cavities.

For more information on oral health visit