We have selected The Special Olympics of Maryland to receive 50 percent of the funds they will raise during this year's campaign. This is the 10th consecutive year that our practice has participated in this event. Since joining the campaign, Dr. Fenlon and Howard County Family Dentistry have raised over $20,000. This year, the practice hopes to raise $5,000.
Here’s How Smiles For Life Works:
- You schedule an appointment to get your teeth professionally whitened between March 1 and June 30.
- Ultradent donates the whitening materials to our practice.
- Our practice donates our time to professionally whiten your teeth.
- 100% of the proceeds goes to the Smiles For Life Foundation, benefiting children’s charities locally and around the world.
If you’d like to join us in this fantastic campaign, give us a call!
Thanks For Helping Us Support This Great Cause!
To learn more about this or you have any questions please feel free to visit our website at www.howardcountydentist.com. Call us at (410)-442-2800 or email us at info@howardcountydentist.com